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What Is an hCG Program?

Are you ready to quickly lose your unwanted body fat once and for all? If so, an hCG program at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD may be right for you. With that being said, this program is only for fairly healthy people who are completely committed to rapid weight loss. To help you figure out whether this program is right for you, we are taking a closer look below.

What Is an hCG Program?

An hCG program is a diet program that involves cutting your calories down to 500 per day for a period of time. During this period of time, you will reset your metabolism, reset your hunger and satiety cues, and lose a massive amount of weight safely and quickly.

What Does This Program Entail?

This program entails three stages. The first stage of this diet program, also known as the loading phase, lasts a mere 48 hours. During this phase, you will be given an injection containing hCG, otherwise known as human chorionic gonadotropin. It is strongly recommended that you eat as much healthy fat as you can during this stage while minimizing the amount of carbohydrates you eat. This facilitates a rapid entry into ketosis.

The second stage of this diet is sometimes referred to as the weight loss phase. This phase will take place over the course of three to six weeks depending on your unique goals. During this stage of the diet program, your diet will consist of 500 to 1,000 calories daily, and you will get most of these calories from fat and protein to keep your body in ketosis. This phase is essential for teaching your brain to once more identify and respect your body’s hunger signals.

The Third Stage

The third stage of the hCG diet lasts for six weeks and is often referred to as the maintenance phase. During this stage of the hCG diet, your caloric intake will be increased to 1,500 split among three meals and snacks. This phase ensures that your metabolism continues to run strong and helps you learn how to eat enough calories to maintain your ideal weight without going hungry.

Note, it is very important to not eat too many carbohydrates during this phase, particularly if you are going to repeat the program to lose more weight. When you consume carbohydrates that your body doesn’t burn, the carbs are stored in your muscles and liver in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is made up of one gram of carbohydrate and three grams of water, so you can expect to see water weight on the scale if you eat too many carbs.

How Quickly Can I Expect to Lose Weight With This Program?

How quickly you can expect to lose weight on the hCG program depends on a number of factors, including your diet. Typically, this diet involves the consumption of 500 calories daily for a period of three to six weeks. However, in some cases, it involves the consumption of 1,000 calories daily. The more calories you consume while on this diet, the longer it will take you to reach your ideal weight.

Your metabolism also plays a significant role in how quickly you will lose your excess weight. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that the average American female has an average daily calorie burn of 1,600 to 2,400. Also, the average American male will burn between 2,000 and 3,000 calories on a given day.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is you need to create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories to burn one pound of fat. Therefore, if you’re an average woman and burn 2,000 calories per day on a 500-calorie-per-day diet, you will create a daily caloric deficit of 1,500 calories. It would take you 56 hours to create a caloric deficit equal to a pound of fat. Therefore, you can expect to lose roughly three pounds per week on the hCG diet.

Men can also expect to lose around three pounds of fat weekly on the hCG diet. The average American male burns around 2,500 calories daily and would probably stick to a diet of 1,000 calories daily while following the hCG protocol. Therefore, a man would experience a daily caloric deficit of roughly 1,500 calories, burning a pound of fat every 56 hours.

An Additional Note

Don’t be surprised if you lose a lot more than three pounds in the first week of your hCG diet. At first, your body will burn stored glycogen for fuel, so you will lose roughly four grams of weight for every gram (four calories) of carbohydrate you burn.

Discover How You Can Achieve Your Simply Slim Physique Today

An hCG program can quickly and effectively change your life for good. In just a few short months, you can shed an amazing amount of weight, reset your hunger and satiety cues, and reset your metabolism. If you’re in the DMV area, contact us today at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD to schedule your initial weight loss consultation. We also proudly offer a convenient office in Falls Church, VA, just minutes away from Tysons Corner, VA.

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