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What Are the Signs of Low Vitamin D?

There are a number of vitamins that are important for your health, not the least of which is vitamin D. When you don’t get enough of this essential vitamin through a healthy diet and sun exposure, several symptoms can occur. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of low vitamin D levels, vitamin D injections at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD may be appropriate for you. Here are some of the most common signs that your vitamin D levels are insufficient.

What Are the Signs of Low Vitamin D?


One of the most common signs of low vitamin D levels is fatigue. This symptom may be physical, mental, or both physical and mental. If you are mentally fatigued, you may just feel tired. If you are physically fatigued, you may not be able to do things you used to be able to do. For example, the maximum amount of weights you can lift may decrease. As another example, you may not run as quickly as you used to.

Muscle Weakness

The lower your vitamin D levels are, the less efficiently your body processes phosphorus and calcium. When your body can’t process calcium and phosphorus, it is common to experience such symptoms as muscle weakness, muscle pain, bone pain, and bone fractures. If you feel like you’re weaker than you once were, it is possible that you are suffering from vitamin D deficiency.

Unintentional Weight Loss

Vitamin D deficiency may also be identified on the scale. If you are losing a significant amount of weight without trying, it may be because you are not getting enough of this important micronutrient. It is believed that the reason low vitamin D levels result in weight loss is that other symptoms, like nausea, depression, and heavy sweating reduce appetite significantly.

Hair Loss

Keratinocytes in your skin metabolize vitamin D. Once the vitamin is broken down, the keratinocytes process a crucial protein, keratin, that is important for the health of your skin, nails, and hair. Hair thinning can occur when there is a vitamin D deficiency because the keratinocytes present in the hair follicles on your scalp have poor control over hair growth. Even worse, the hair follicles that successfully grew hair may shed that hair prematurely.

Weakened Immune System

Vitamin D is also vital for the efficiency of your immune system. It plays a critical role in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Vitamin D injections may be appropriate for you if you find yourself getting sick more often than you usually do. Similarly, these injections may be appropriate for you if you get sicker than you usually do. For example, you may notice that you suffer from cold symptoms when your husband or child catches a cold when you’re usually asymptomatic.

Am I At Risk for Vitamin D Deficiency?

UV rays are a significant source of vitamin D for people with little melanin in their skin. People with dark skin, such as the non-Hispanic black population, have high levels of melanin in their skin. This extra melanin protects them from UV rays, but this protection impedes the skin’s ability to get vitamin D from exposure to sunlight.

In addition to skin tone, there are a number of medical conditions that increase your risk for developing vitamin D deficiency. For example, your risk is elevated if you suffer from a malabsorption disorder, like inflammatory bowel disease or celiac disease. Furthermore, osteoporosis and obesity are significant risk factors. Additionally, breastfed infants, the elderly, and people who work indoors are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

Are Vitamin D Injections Right for Me?

A blood test is required to verify whether vitamin D injections will be beneficial for your health. Ideally, you should have between 20 and 50 nanograms of vitamin D per milliliter of blood. However, you cannot be diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency unless you have fewer than 12 nanograms of vitamin D per milliliter of blood.

How Much Vitamin D Do I Need?

The Institute of Medicine recommends that almost everyone consumes 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D every day. There are only two exceptions to this. Individuals over the age of 70 should consume 800 IU of vitamin D daily to help maintain optimal health. Infants who are not yet 12 months old only need 400 IU of vitamin D per day.

For clarification, 600 IU is equivalent to 15 micrograms. In other words, you need to make sure you get at least 15 mcg of vitamin D every day. If you suffer from vitamin D deficiency, a supplement of up to 4,000 IU may be required.

Find Out Today If Vitamin D Injections Are Right for You?

Vitamin D is extremely important for several functions, including an appropriate appetite, a strong immune system, and energy. If you are noticing such signs of low vitamin D levels as getting sick more often than normal, losing a lot of hair, or losing a lot of weight unintentionally, vitamin D injections may be appropriate for you. Book an appointment with us at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD now if you’re in the DMV area, including Tysons Corner or Falls Church.

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