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How Often Can You Get Vitamin D Injections?

Approximately 90% of Americans struggle to get enough vitamins and minerals in their diets. This is partly why so many people are chronically ill and struggling with fatigue. At Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD, Tysons Corner, VA, and Falls Church, VA, we help our patients to optimize their health by providing them with vital nutrients. Vitamin D injections are important for people who spend a lot of time indoors, those with darker skin, and vegans.

How Often Can You Get Vitamin D Injections? 

The standard injection contains around 300,000 International Units of vitamin D. The daily recommended dose is 600-800 IU, so the effects of the shot are long-lasting and far outweigh the benefits of oral supplements.

Patients in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) area typically require two or three injections per year to remain healthy. However, it depends on the individual’s body, diet, and lifestyle habits. Some of our patients only come to the clinic once a year because they get enough vitamin D from sunlight during the summer.

Are Vitamin D Shots Necessary? 

You can get natural vitamin D from sunlight. Unfortunately, most people spend 90% or more of their time indoors, so exposing their skin to enough sunlight is hard. It’s important to remember that the body can’t absorb any vitamin D from light that has passed through glass, so people can’t replenish their nutrient levels simply by sitting in a sunny spot indoors. This makes getting enough vitamin D extremely challenging, especially in winter.

Certain foods also contain some vitamin D. Natural sources include tuna, salmon, swordfish, beef liver, sardines, egg yolk, and cod liver oil. Many of our foods are fortified with vitamin D. Drinks like milk, plant-based milk, and orange juice often contain small amounts of this vitamin. However, drinking one or two glasses might not be enough to cover a person’s daily needs. That’s why so many people can benefit from periodic vitamin D shots.

What Problems Does a Vitamin D Deficiency Cause? 

When you don’t have enough vitamin D, your body can’t function well. As a result, you might experience a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms. Patients with deficiencies often have pain, fatigue, trouble sleeping, unexplained sadness, and muscle weakness. In the long run, a vitamin D deficiency can cause serious medical conditions.

Higher Risk of Medical Conditions 

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. That’s why people with a chronic deficiency are more likely to develop osteoporosis. This condition leads to a weakening of the bones. Patients with osteoporosis break their bones more easily than others, so they often struggle with mobility and chronic pain. In the long run, the condition can cause disabilities, and it shortens the patient’s life.

People who don’t get enough vitamin D are also more likely to develop colds and the flu because this vitamin enhances the function of certain proteins that support the immune system. This is a big problem for older patients and those whose bodies are already weakened.

Fatigue and Sleeping Problems 

Vitamins and minerals help you to function more efficiently. When you’re missing a key nutrient, you might feel tired because your body can no longer carry out all its functions correctly. If you don’t provide your body with adequate quantities of vitamin D, you might struggle with chronic fatigue and sleeping problems.

Mood Issues 

Another issue many nutrient-deficient people struggle with is their mental health. They might have unexplained feelings of sadness or even depression. Although mental health problems are often caused by psychological issues, it’s worth ruling out a vitamin deficiency first.

Physical Symptoms 

People with a vitamin D deficiency often look pale and unhealthy. They might experience physical symptoms like muscle weakness and hair loss. Some people feel achy, and their bones hurt.

It’s important not to ignore these symptoms, especially if they persist for more than two weeks. Come to the clinic if you’ve noticed recent changes. We’ll analyze your condition to determine whether you could be suffering from a lack of vitamin D.

Who Needs More Vitamin D? 

Studies have shown that around 35% of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency, and many more have an insufficiency. This means that a wide range of people could benefit from the vitamin D shot. To get the same amount of vitamin D, those with darker skin typically need to expose themselves to more sunlight than those with very light skin. That’s why people with darker skin tones suffer from vitamin D deficiencies more often.

The issue is also common in people who have office jobs and hardly spend any time outdoors. Vegetarians and vegans can’t get much vitamin D from their diet, so they’re likely to experience an insufficiency. The best way to find out whether you’re affected is to come to the clinic and ask us to run some tests.

Avoid a Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D injections can be administered two to three times a year, depending on the patient’s needs. They are great for people who have a vitamin D deficiency and are therefore struggling with tiredness, achy bones, muscle weakness, frequent illness, and mental health issues. Reach out to us at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD, Tysons Corner, VA, and Falls Church, VA to find out more about the vitamin D shot and our other wellness services.

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