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How Long Is an hCG Protocol?

Are you anxious to lose a significant amount of weight very quickly? Do you know you can stick to a low-calorie diet for a short amount of time? Do you think you can make the lifestyle changes necessary to maintain your weight loss once you’ve achieved your goal? If so, you may be a good fit for going on an hCG protocol under the supervision of the weight loss experts at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD. Here’s the lowdown on this weight loss method.

How Long Is an hCG Protocol?

How long your hCG protocol will last depends on several factors, including the number of calories you eat while on the protocol and your goals. For example, you may only need to go on a 21-day diet if you only have 20 to 25 pounds of excess fat to lose.

If you are put on a 21-day diet, you will supplement hCG for 23 days before entering the maintenance phase of the diet. If you have more than 20 to 25 pounds to lose, a 40-day diet that includes 42 days of hCG supplementation may be a better fit for you.

What Can I Expect During My Diet?

Regardless of how long your hCG protocol lasts, it will be broken up into three distinct phases. The first phase of the protocol, sometimes called the loading phase, lasts for 48 hours. Over the course of two days, you will receive two hCG injections to boost the amount of this hormone circulating throughout your bloodstream. During this phase, you should strongly consider eating as much high-fat food a possible while limiting your consumption of carbohydrates.

If you load up on healthy fats while cutting back on carbs drastically, you may enter ketosis before the “hard” part of the diet starts. You do not have to worry about the number of calories you consume during this phase. Just eat until you are full and remember that the fewer carbohydrates you eat, the easier you will find the second phase.

Phase 2

The second phase of the hCG diet is sometimes referred to as the weight loss phase, and it can last anywhere from three to six weeks. To reiterate, a three-week weight loss phase is generally considered appropriate for people with no more than 20 to 25 pounds of fat to lose. On the other hand, a 40- or 42-day second phase is usually considered appropriate who want to lose 26 pounds or more.

During this phase of the protocol, you may be advised to eat either 500 or 1,000 calories per day. For the most part, your calories should come from protein and healthy fats. This, in addition to the hCG supplementation, will help to keep you full. You can generally expect to lose between one and two pounds per day during the second phase of the protocol if you stick to your diet. Research suggests that an extra 1,000 to 1,400 calories per day can be burned with hCG supplementation.

How To Make Phase 2 Easier

One effect of hCG is that it helps to manage hunger levels. However, people don’t just eat when they’re hungry. Sometimes, people eat for other reasons, like stress, boredom, or thirst. Even if you enter ketosis during the first phase, you may find that you are craving carbs. If you notice yourself craving carbs, especially if you have already consumed all of your calories for the day, do something to distract yourself.

For example, you may want to take your dog on a walk or start putting together a puzzle. Cravings come in waves, and if you can ride out the crest of the wave, you’ll start to feel better quickly. Another effective thing you can do to quell cravings is to drink a glass of unsweetened iced tea. If you are craving carbs and feel hungry, you may just be thirsty. Drinking eight ounces of unsweetened tea will fill your stomach up without calories.

Phase 3

The third and final phase of the hCG protocol is known as the maintenance phase. During this phase, you will be eating around 1,500 calories. During the first 21 days following the second phase, you should continue to limit carb consumption. It isn’t the end of the world if you have a glass of milk or half of a cup of fruit in a green smoothie.

However, you shouldn’t eat starchy vegetables or candy or baked goods that are high in sugar. Get your calories from nutrient-dense whole foods. You may need to be prepared to repeat the protocol to reach your goal.


The Bottom Line

The length of your hCG protocol will depend on your diet on the protocol and how far you are from your goals. Some people can finish their treatment in as little as 23 days; others need to stick to the hCG diet for 40 days. If you think this treatment is right for you and you’re in the Bethesda, MD, Falls Church, VA, or Tysons, VA area, contact us today at Simply Slim Medical in Bethesda, MD to book an appointment. We’ve proudly served the DMV area for years.

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