
Always Hungry? Learn More About Phentermine

Many people who suffer from obesity appear to have a problem with how their body regulates appetite and hunger. The body normally produces two chief hormones that regulate appetite: leptin and ghrelin. Ghrehlin is released by the stomach and induces feelings of hunger in the body; after consuming a meal, levels of ghrelin drop for about three hours. Leptin is constantly produced by fat cells and acts to globally suppress appetite all the time if there are sufficient fat stores. However, obese people appear to suffer from a condition called leptin resistance where their body makes large amounts of leptin but the brain doesn’t respond to it, and thus appetite is not suppressed. In essence, the person is constantly hungry and driven to obsessively overeat. Have you heard about the phentermine weight loss program? It is one of the many weight loss methods that uses weight loss meds like Phentermine.

What is Phentermine? 

Phentermine is an amphetamine that is available by prescription only. It acts to suppress appetite and can suppress feelings of hunger between meals. When taken in conjunction with an overall weight loss plan, many leptin-resistant obese individuals can finally begin to lose weight.


Phentermine is indicated for use by obese individuals who have previously been unable to lose weight through diet and exercise programs and who complain of constant hunger and urges to overeat. It is not indicated for individuals who only want to lose a few pounds. It can be used in combination with topirimate, a medication initially approved for treatment of seizures and migraine headaches. However, topirimate also seems to have beneficial effects on prevention of binge-eating and treatment of other eating disorders and can boost the metabolism to burn more calories per hour.

How It Works

Like most amphetamines, Phentermine weight loss pills have a stimulatory effect on the body, which has the effect of “turning off” the digestive tract and reducing hunger overall. These effects can be thought of as being similar to what happens during a very scary incident or while engaging in intensive athletic efforts; the body diverts all of its attention and efforts to working the muscles and brain instead of engaging in digestion. The use of amphetamines does not appear to affect leptin levels or to directly correct the problem of leptin resistance, but they are quite effective in suppressing appetite.

If you are struggling with weight loss and suffer from constant hunger, consider making an appointment at SimplySlim Medical to discuss whether Phentermine might be helpful for you. Our offices are located in Bethesda, MD and Falls Church, VA, but we also provide services to clients throughout the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) and Tysons Corner, VA areas. Contact us today to book a consultation and get started!

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